Sunday, April 17, 2011


A friend made me a mix tape yesterday (love you.), and it started with this song. What perfect timing for a simple reminder. The lyrics - what you don't have now will come back around will come back again, you've got heart and you go in your own way - really reminded me today that there is no rush to do EVERYTHING. With the past few weeks so jam packed with meetings, banquets, weddings, papers, reading, updating, and millions of emails. It's important to keep two feet on the ground and remind yourself that what doesn't get done today will still be here tomorrow and you'll get there when you get there.

There are so many people who rush through the day to check as many things off their to-do list as possible. I'm guilty too (so sue me....). But just remember that you'll get there your own way.

On another note: I've completed 2 - 5K's this year. The first went GREAT! Although the winner of the 10K ran in just as I was finishing, I'm still proud of myself for pushing to run without stopping for about 80% of it. The second 5K was not as impressive. I spent all day yesterday walking around in heels coordinating a wedding (Congrats Margaret and Todd!!! pics to come!), needless to say my feet were swollen about twice their typical size and were on FIRE! Poor planning on my part. I did however walk the route with two coworkers from my last job. It was actually really nice to take my time, take in the scenery, and catch up with old friends! To the left is a picture of the scenery we were able to enjoy!

Next up: Warrior Dash...I think I'll actually need to start getting my butt in shape for this one! :)

Peace, Love, and Awesomeness!

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