Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Home Stretch

Life just doesn't seem to know when to put on the brakes, now does it? This week is the last week of classes, and it's final project time. Every second in the day seems to be worth a million dollars to write just one more paragraph on that paper, or format just one more header on that report. This time of the semester seemingly never ends. But...all is well that ends well...and this to will commence. The best part is, this time commencement will ensue and on the other side I will be a master. A MASTER, yes, you heard it correctly.

A master at what you ask? I might argue that I'm more of a master at...

...fitting in as much in my day as ever humanly imaginable the house when it doesn't need to be cleaned just to avoid doing school work
...finding facebook much more exciting that it ever actually is
...emailing professors at 3am with the most ridiculous question
...complaining with colleagues but eventually celebrating our successes
...taking every last learning opportunity that my school has to offer
...sitting in a six person booth in a coffee shop--alone--with papers strewn all around me while people walk by angrily that I'm taking up so much space
...meeting so many different people in one place

...and the list could go on. But really, there is actually a school that is going to give me a piece of paper that says I am a master of Public Administration with focuses in Environmental Policy and Nonprofit Management.

I can not believe that the past two years have gone by so fast and I have been able to have so many exciting opportunities within the past two years. I don't think I could narrow my best experience in grad school to just one thing as everything has been life changing. Every class I take, I find ten more things I want to learn about.

So for now I'll focus on finishing out the last week of classes. I have 3 projects to turn in, and I am giving myself a deadline until Sunday to finish them. No excuses.

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