Thursday, April 28, 2011


This is way too cool to not share. If you've never seen it before, I'd like to formally introduce you to Earthship Biotecture. It is soooo awesome. Their ability to create sustainable and liveable natural human habitats in so incrediably amazing. Maybe one day I can live on my safari in Africa in a home built like this. Or, possibly I can take the thousands of beer bottles my boyfriend is saving (one can only imagine why he insists on saving every beer bottle EVER) and turn in into a house. Oh the creativity, I just love this!!
So the premise is:

"radically sustainable green building made with recycled materials"

The company calls all of their buildings--"earthships." They come with all their own utilities and no utility bills. An earthship uses little to no fossil fuels to provide for modern amentities. They simply adapt their needs to the already existing activities of the plant {All information was taken from Earthship Biotecture}.

Here are some links from around the web to swoon over their work like I am...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Home Stretch

Life just doesn't seem to know when to put on the brakes, now does it? This week is the last week of classes, and it's final project time. Every second in the day seems to be worth a million dollars to write just one more paragraph on that paper, or format just one more header on that report. This time of the semester seemingly never ends. But...all is well that ends well...and this to will commence. The best part is, this time commencement will ensue and on the other side I will be a master. A MASTER, yes, you heard it correctly.

A master at what you ask? I might argue that I'm more of a master at...

...fitting in as much in my day as ever humanly imaginable the house when it doesn't need to be cleaned just to avoid doing school work
...finding facebook much more exciting that it ever actually is
...emailing professors at 3am with the most ridiculous question
...complaining with colleagues but eventually celebrating our successes
...taking every last learning opportunity that my school has to offer
...sitting in a six person booth in a coffee shop--alone--with papers strewn all around me while people walk by angrily that I'm taking up so much space
...meeting so many different people in one place

...and the list could go on. But really, there is actually a school that is going to give me a piece of paper that says I am a master of Public Administration with focuses in Environmental Policy and Nonprofit Management.

I can not believe that the past two years have gone by so fast and I have been able to have so many exciting opportunities within the past two years. I don't think I could narrow my best experience in grad school to just one thing as everything has been life changing. Every class I take, I find ten more things I want to learn about.

So for now I'll focus on finishing out the last week of classes. I have 3 projects to turn in, and I am giving myself a deadline until Sunday to finish them. No excuses.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Earth Day -- A Day Late.

The Mountain from Terje Sorgjerd on Vimeo.

Peace Corps Update

New dates have been posted for October, which means that, hopefully, I'm one day closer to knowing where I might be going. As any Peace Corps applicant with the well-known "Restless Applicant Syndrome" knows any bit of information is like a being handed a million dollars. I have been watching the list every day to see what is posted, just waiting for new posts for November.
My recruiter said that I should know something more by June/July, so here I sit patiently waiting for something more. Until then I'll desperately dream of distant destinations. <--alliteration at it's finest :)

Anyone have plans for easter?

Monday, April 18, 2011

It's a bird...It's a plane...It's a....TORNADO?

While all the happenings were going on Saturday for the wedding, North Carolina was hit pretty hard with tornadoes across the state. I've never experienced a tornado in my life and although the strong gusts of wind were pretty alarming throughout the day, I really didn't think twice about it. It wasn't until talking to a colleague today in class as she shared stories of her hometown and neighborhood being demolished only about an hour away from where we were. I am extremely thankful for the safety of all the people that I love today as I read about the damage across the state.

Check out this video from Wilson, NC:

Love you all and am happy that all my friends and family are safe :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I want...

I love old trunks and suitcases. I found this one on etsy that is just beautiful!


A friend made me a mix tape yesterday (love you.), and it started with this song. What perfect timing for a simple reminder. The lyrics - what you don't have now will come back around will come back again, you've got heart and you go in your own way - really reminded me today that there is no rush to do EVERYTHING. With the past few weeks so jam packed with meetings, banquets, weddings, papers, reading, updating, and millions of emails. It's important to keep two feet on the ground and remind yourself that what doesn't get done today will still be here tomorrow and you'll get there when you get there.

There are so many people who rush through the day to check as many things off their to-do list as possible. I'm guilty too (so sue me....). But just remember that you'll get there your own way.

On another note: I've completed 2 - 5K's this year. The first went GREAT! Although the winner of the 10K ran in just as I was finishing, I'm still proud of myself for pushing to run without stopping for about 80% of it. The second 5K was not as impressive. I spent all day yesterday walking around in heels coordinating a wedding (Congrats Margaret and Todd!!! pics to come!), needless to say my feet were swollen about twice their typical size and were on FIRE! Poor planning on my part. I did however walk the route with two coworkers from my last job. It was actually really nice to take my time, take in the scenery, and catch up with old friends! To the left is a picture of the scenery we were able to enjoy!

Next up: Warrior Dash...I think I'll actually need to start getting my butt in shape for this one! :)

Peace, Love, and Awesomeness!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Government Shutdown...

I have to admit, I haven't really been following all of this government shutdown hub bub. I know I'm a public administration student and I'm SUPPOSED to know all this stuff, but no ones perfect! However, I did find some interesting information about the Peace Corps protocol in case of a government shutdown.

In summary, the Peace Corps will keep all current volunteers in country (as it is cheaper to keep them in rural Africa...or whereever....on $15.00/day than fly each of them home at $2,000/flight). Current headquarters staff will be furloughed until further notice. And, now for the sad news: Any stagings scheduled for 3 weeks after the beginning of a government shutdown should be continued. All other stagings will be considered on a case-by-case basis....AND...suspended Peace Corps activities include recruitment, selection and placement of new volunteers.

Ok, ok...I'm breathing again. Let's just keep our fingers crossed that a government shutdown doesn't happen (not just for my sake, but for the sake of all U.S. citizens). Peace, Love, and Aweswomeness.

Highlights of the Azalea Festival

~Traffic on my street starting at 7am.

~The azalea belles in their beautiful dresses.


~Elephants in the parade.

~All the crafty goodness that got me excited about starting a new craft project

~FESTIVAL FOOD! Although my waistline doesn't agree, we thoroughly enjoyed many of the festival delicacies like lamb gyros, polish sausages, and FUNNEL CAKE--my personal fav.

~Face Painting.

~Pirate Ships!

~AVETT BROTHERS--which was absolutely amazing by the way!

~Quality people watching and cute puppies!!

Enjoying the beautiful weather with my two favorite boys. We took Prince to the local park to play with the other pooches, then kicked the soccer ball and threw the frisbee around for a while. As you can tell by the pictures, Prince really likes getting his picture taken with me!! I must say he is pretty photogenic :)

These are weekends I remember why I love living in North Carolina soooo much. What did you do this weekend?

Friday, April 8, 2011

India Throwback

I thought you all might enjoy seeing a video put together by my friend Katie who I traveled through India with. Perhaps one day I'll put together something similar.

Game Night

Social capital theorists, including Robert Putnam, claim that human nature’s interest in civic engagement is declining. We join less community groups, spend more time alone, and are all together less social. As Putnam states in his book, Bowling Alone, “Over the course of the last generation or two, a variety of technological, economic and social changes have rendered obsolete the stuff of American social capital” and “we are right to fear that this transformation has very real costs.”

I however, do not agree. Working in student affairs, we see more and more student groups on campus; each year a record number. I personally am a member of many social groups and ways to engage in community building. Perhaps I might agree that civic engagement is less formalized than the once thriving Elks Lodge and Red Hats Society, but as humans we have an innate social curiosity.

Take for example….GAME NIGHT! One of my favorite things….EVER!! Cranium, Catch Phrase, Cards, Scrabble, Monopoly, Balderdash, DUTCH BLITZ….whatever the game, I love it! I’m not always the best but the challenge, camaraderie, and competition always leave me satisfied after a night of games with friends.

Last night the student group that I work with hosted an event called Charade-O-Rama and boy was it just a simple reminder of how fun game night is. There were four people to a team, and our team was on point (Go Tick Tockers!!). You had one minute per category to get your teammates to guess as many things as possible. 4 categories per round, 3 rounds. My personal favorite category: Animals. I racked up about 14 points for our team with my charading of animals like anteater, giraffe, and sloth. Another round was hobbies, which I thought was going to be easy…boy was I wrong. Please enlighten me on how to charade stamp collecting. Ummmmm….STAMP COLLECTING!! I was at a loss. All in all, Team Tick Tock did not take home first place or second, but we did have a great time! Great job Caroline, Keith, and Tyler (we missed you Stefanie…maybe you could have figured out how to charade Stamp Collecting)!!

What is your favorite game for game night?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Around Town

The past few weeks have been delightfully busy.
Here is a picture synopsis of happenings in my world!

A walk around town as little tidbits of spring unfold right before our eyes.

A trip to Airlie Gardens to see all the beautiful sights. We were able to see 4 swans, a handful of turtles, and the Airlie Oak.

Frolicking through the Minnie Evans Bottle House.

A much needed visit with my mom and brother to see my brother play in his last soccer game of the season. He is growing up soooo fast.

And last, but not least, B.o.B!! What a huge success! I'm so proud of the hard work everyone put into the show. We all had a great time!

Much more coming up in the next few weeks. This weekend is the Azalea Festival, which means, lots of people, funnel cakes within walking distance, AVETT BROTHERS!!, and of course beautiful Azaleas!!