Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Medical, Dental and Legal Frenzy

As I returned home from Europe, I had a stack of mail as tall as the papasan chair in the living room. I was so excited to find hidden in its depths real information from the PEACE CORPS!! I received two envelopes from the elusive agency, one that congratulated me on accepting my position in Eastern Europe and one that was chock full of medical and dental paperwork to fill out. It's a bittersweet moment, as I have been warned, to open up the medical documents. Inside you'll find a whole slew of shots and tests and pricks and jabs that the doctor and dentist need to give you but it also means that you are one more step closer to placement. 
Now the process starts in locating all of my medical records....oy. After having gone through a period of my life where I moved every two years and not having a primary physician since I was 12, I first wonder how I am even remotely healthy and second dread trying to locate all my shot records from the past 25 years.  

Today that journey begins as I try to call every doctor I've ever been to and take a jog down memory lane and call Queen Anne's County High School to see if they can dig through their closet to find my records. I can't believe I've been out of high school for so long.

Wish me luck!

Peace, Love, and Awesomeness


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