I'm thinking about selling my car. Living a car-free lifestyle has often been on my mind, but as of late I have been thinking about it more and more. As I'm trying to cut back my expenses and reevaluate where I'm spending my money, I realized I spend an astronomical amount of money on my car. Actually, I spend more money on my car than I do on the roof that is over my head. Seems crazy, huh.
Although in my head I'm thinking about this in sheer dollars there are a lot of other things to think about to. Currently, I can walk to work, the bank, food and drinking establishments, the park, and many other things but there are things that would be less convenient. Such as:
Trips to Target...which could be the death of Sami as you know her.
Easily accessible grocery store
Beach Days
Cold walks to work in the Winter Time
Am I missing others?
Fortunately living downtown allows me to walk to work and there is an OK bus system that would allow me to get to the grocery store and target with little afterthought. However, for 25 years I've lived a life of instant gratification...and I want to be sure that I think about all the aspects of my life that may be affected positively and negatively before I make this drastic lifestyle change.
Here's what my 7th grade History teacher, Ms. Hanifee taught me to do when life offers choices: A good ol' pros and cons list.
Environmentally Friendly
Get Exercise
Save LOTS of money
Wilmington offers Public Transportation and living downtown allows me to walk to food and entertainment
Can rent a car for long day or weekend trips
Won't be able to do things at a moment's notice
Will have to walk in the cold/rain
Inconveniencing friends when needing a ride
So, it's looking pretty good that I may want to try this. My mom and I came up with a good idea to try to live for two weeks without using my car. Meaning hide the keys from myself and see how I can get around without using my car. Seems easy enough. Since I'll be leaving for the Peace Corps, hopefully, in June 2012 and will need to sell my car anyways I really want to think seriously about this. It's a great way for me to save up some money before leaving by severely cutting my expenses.
What do you think? Any advice would be great. I know a couple of you have lived in Wilmington without a car and I would love to hear your experiences!!
Although in my head I'm thinking about this in sheer dollars there are a lot of other things to think about to. Currently, I can walk to work, the bank, food and drinking establishments, the park, and many other things but there are things that would be less convenient. Such as:
Trips to Target...which could be the death of Sami as you know her.
Easily accessible grocery store
Beach Days
Cold walks to work in the Winter Time
Am I missing others?
Fortunately living downtown allows me to walk to work and there is an OK bus system that would allow me to get to the grocery store and target with little afterthought. However, for 25 years I've lived a life of instant gratification...and I want to be sure that I think about all the aspects of my life that may be affected positively and negatively before I make this drastic lifestyle change.
Here's what my 7th grade History teacher, Ms. Hanifee taught me to do when life offers choices: A good ol' pros and cons list.
Environmentally Friendly
Get Exercise
Save LOTS of money
Wilmington offers Public Transportation and living downtown allows me to walk to food and entertainment
Can rent a car for long day or weekend trips
Won't be able to do things at a moment's notice
Will have to walk in the cold/rain
Inconveniencing friends when needing a ride
So, it's looking pretty good that I may want to try this. My mom and I came up with a good idea to try to live for two weeks without using my car. Meaning hide the keys from myself and see how I can get around without using my car. Seems easy enough. Since I'll be leaving for the Peace Corps, hopefully, in June 2012 and will need to sell my car anyways I really want to think seriously about this. It's a great way for me to save up some money before leaving by severely cutting my expenses.
What do you think? Any advice would be great. I know a couple of you have lived in Wilmington without a car and I would love to hear your experiences!!
It would be harder for you to come see your MOM! You need to schedule time to come see her now and then or at least meet for lunch... ;)