Monday, May 23, 2011

On a great weekend.

The past few weeks have been filled with celebration and lots of family time. This weekend was no exception! We all took the trek to Maryland to celebrate my sister-in-laws graduation, earning her PhD in Clinical Psychology. A lovely crab feast on the Chesapeake Bay was held to celebrate. We all enjoyed mounds of Old Bay covered blue crabs, National Bohemian beer, volleyball playing, kayaking, and smiling faces all around. Congratulations to Linda for her hard work and thanks for having us all there to celebrate!! Here are some pictures from the par-tay.

And of course, what would a family gathering be without some silly pictures:

Next up on the weekends agenda, Warrior Dash!! The Warrior Dash commences my three 5K's to finish this season. I'm proud of myself for my attempt, but I can't say I was the most competitive contender. Although, we DID have tons of fun...and in my book that's what it is all about.

We ran through mud, jumped over fire (although I jumped over the short part of the fire...don't judge), ran through more mud, climbed a tall cargo net, crawled through the mud in the dark, slid down a water slide, drank beer, ran through even more mud, crawled under barbed wire, and ran through EVEN MORE mud...all in all having a great time. I haven't seen the official pictures from the race, but here is our before and after pictures. I highly recommend it to anyone who really loves to get muddy!!

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