Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Spring Cleaning

I love the days when you get home from work and find yourself with the drive to actually get stuff done. I must say it's pretty rare, but a brilliant gem when it does happen. After a delicious haircut at Bangz Hair Salon (highly recommend Esther who entertained me with a lively convo about Lady Gaga and the embarrasments of tripping up a flight of stairs, love it!), I went home with a drive to finally get rid of the numerous electronics that have been stacking up in our house. With my roomie moving out at the end of the month (tear...) I thought no better time than now for some spring cleaning!!

So being the responsible environmentally friendly citizen that I am, I did my research on where I can recycle all the electronics that I have strewn through my house. Most places require you pay a $20.00 drop off fee for each CRT television that you recycle, and well we have three to dispose of.....which is a lot of money to get RID of a TV (probably more than I paid for the little buggers). However in my research I found a great deal...and it's all about incentives! So, the roomie and I hoped in the car packed up the 3 tvs, 2 cell phones, a stereo, a digital camera, a fan, and an alarm clock and headed down to Best Buy.

Yep, that's right Best Buy, which I only visit maybe once a year, if that. You can drop off your goods (and if you're sweet like us some blue shirted gentlemen will meet you at your car and carry everything for you...tee hee) at the store, and they will give you gift certificates for the amount that you would have paid for the CRT TVs at another recycling site. Sweeeeeeeet! I not only did some spring cleaning, but also scored some relatively free schwag (which may or may not have defeated the purpose of spring cleaning in the first place, but hey who's keeping tabs)!!

Happy Tuesday! Thank goodness for this short week.

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