Tuesday, March 6, 2012

How did we become friends?

On a long drive home recently, I decided to pass the time by catching up with my longest running friend (and truly the best friend a girl could ask for!). We chatted about the usual stuff - how's your job, how's your dog, let's plan a trip, what's happening in the next year, will you be my first born child's surrogate mother? WAIT? WHAT! Ok ok, that's not exactly how the conversation went, but it did get me thinking about how you get to that point in a friendship where it becomes okay to talk about stuff like that. And what is it that drives friendships? Sometimes it's the product of a situation like a job or a book club, or maybe it's your shared values like environmentalism or being an entrepreneur, or shared experiences like mourning the death of a loved one or riding the subway to work every morning, or maybe they've just been a part of your life for so long you can't imagine yourself without them.

I'm happy to say that I have friends because of all of these different kinds of situations and each of these friendships differ because of the things that brought us together. And, as varied are the ties that bind, are the means of maintaining. I have some friends that I talk to everyday and some that I could go months without any sense of connection, and one day pick up right back where we left off. In my mind, neither situation makes one person mean more to me than the other. I love all of my friends.

I can't wait to sit back in a rocking chair on my porch one day with the people that I have grown to love over the years and tell stories about us at different stages of our lives. It feels good just to sit back right now and take in the range of people that make my life worthwhile.  

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Advice? From who? Me?

I have been approached by an undergraduate professor of mine to give an hour long presentation about how to navigate life after college. Hmmmm, I am no expert, that is for sure, but who is?  I have had my ups and downs and have been on the wandering road for the past five years since I graduated from undergrad. I've held about seven different jobs, dabbled in my own entrepreneurial endeavors, traveled through seven different countries, obtained a master's degree, and managed to maintain  a stable level of sanity and focus. I guess that is just my own life's course. The experience is giving me a great opportunity to reflect on where I have been and where I am going from here even though I don't fully know that answer yet.

I must admit, I'm a little bit humbled by the fact that anyone thinks I'm actually capable of giving solid, useful advice to a bunch of soon to be college graduates, or that I can even stand in front of a class for an hour without vomiting.

I am starting my presentation planning with a little project asking all my friends and co-workers (and you...) the following question:
If you could go back in time and tell your last-semester-of-college self one piece of advice, what would it be? 
Easy enough. I have already had some funny responses like - fail every class, push off graduation and consume all my family's wealth to avoid post college graduation depression for as long as possible

...and some sappy ones like - savor every moment because these are the good times
...and some quality advice like - get an internship; never say no to an experience as you might learn a new skill or meet someone who could change your course

I will take them all. My goal is to collect a list of these responses and give it to the students. Simply to prove that everyone's course is different, and really, let's be honest, who am I to give these students any type of advice. I am trying to get the presentation recorded, not only so I can wallow in my own vanity - but also to share it with you for your own amusement as well.

Any advice you can offer or suggestions on topics are welcomed and appreciated!

Peace, Love, and Awesomeness.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Cleaning up shop

I woke up Saturday inspired to clean up a little bit and donate/recycle the things that I've thrown in the back of my closet for the past year. I love days like that! I'm happy {and a little sad} to say that I gave away an entire car full of clothes and goods. I'm not sure when I became such a hoarder but I'm feeling a full car load lighter.

While looking up where I could donate an old printer and cd player I came across a great article from WWAY with information about where you can recycle electronic goods around Wilmington. Knowing from experience that sometimes the best information is in the comments - I found this little quarral that made me laugh. Everett Hervey, whoever you are, we can be friends.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Back Home

Returning from a flippin' sweet weekend in western North Carolina to ring in the new year. Lots of hiking. Lots of beautiful scenery. Good food. Good company. Life is good.


Watching 180 South thinking about this message - 
The best journeys answer questions that in the beginning you didn't even think to ask

Wishing you as exciting a 2012 as I hope my own to be!