Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Focus. Pocus.

Yesterday, as I was sitting in class, I had an epiphany. Okay, okay...get out from under your desk. Don't be scared. A colleague of mine mentioned how she always looked forward to chatting before class with me because my days are so varied and stories so diverse.

So, my mind starting wandering off during class about how much energy I put into thinking about environmental issues to planning events, from the big scary corporate world to grassroots fundraising, from getting myself back in shape to snuggling on my couch with the pooch, and everything in between. I think we all feel a little bit on overload these days with our dabble in different topics, theories, interests, activities, etc.

What if I actually focused ALL my attention on one cause. one activity. one program. one thing. wow. I know it sounds simple but it's actually something that, I think, a lot of people struggle with. I think this is one of the things that the Peace Corps offers to me. I'm able to put down the 1,001 things that I'm interested in that drive my brain from one end of the earth to the other in the 18 hours of time during my active day to focusing on one thing. and one thing only. I don't know what that thing is yet, but it's coming....and I'm excited.

Pictured is someone that I truly admire, and a person that knows what it means to put his mind towards a goal and reach for it empowering others to change their mindsets and follow. I totally wish I could be like old Nelson.

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