Monday, February 28, 2011

Buying Local

There is a lot of talk going around about living local and the buying local movement. I can't help but ask myself, is this realistic or even possible. As we live in an ever growing global community, purchasing things we need at a price that we can "actually" afford is difficult. And by "actually," I mean living within our means. Sure, maybe every once in a while we can splurge to buy that delicious $6.00 goat cheese at the farmer's market and the $8.00 savory garlic and roasted red pepper baked bread, but is it feasible to actually live like this all the time?

This past Christmas, I challenged myself to purchase gifts (or make gifts) that were from local vendors or artisans. I made it about half way through November and finally gave up, that some things you just can't buy locally.

Despite all of my thoughts, someone introduced me to the 3/50 project...which I believe is a very powerful way to look at this whole live local movement. The basic concept is this:

Here on the Cape Fear Coast, we have a similar local initiative called Buy Local ILM. I struggle to figure out what they actually do as a nonprofit, besides just advocating for businesses, but I do feel like the initiative is a good one. What are your thoughts, is it feasible? Does it make sense? Is there anything like this in your neck of the woods? What would you spend your $50 on?

I think the three businesses I couldn't live without might be (okay....maybe four):

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How do they do it?

As I sit and watch the Oscars, wishing desperately that I was half as talented and creative as those people, I wonder how does the academy keep the winners a secret!?!? I couldn't do it, I'd be too dang excited to be privy to information the rest of world is DYING to find out. Who is the best!! Nevertheless, I sit here in anticipation of learning who wins as I watch this American cultural staple. Can I confess that I've only actually watched one of the movies up for Best Picture. Netflix, you and I need to have a few dates.

What was your favorite movie this year?

In other news, I'm working hard this week trying to put a good research project together so I can FINALLY finish my masters. Although I love school, I can't wait for the day when I don't have to spend a beautiful day at the library. Like maybe visiting these places {via ohhellofriend} beautiful and majestic!

I'm thinking a lot about two people today. Amy, whose family is under stress with some family health issues. And Sheila who is shaving her head today in support of cancer research and was able to exceed her fundraising goal!!! Can't wait to see pictures! My thoughts are with both of you today!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Come On Spring!

Dear Spring,
I know you are right around the corner but if you could just hurry up and grace
us with your presence there are many people who would really appreciate it.
Thanks, Your dear dear friend.

This weekend spoiled Wilmington with its 75 degree temperatures and sun shining in the sky. I have to say I really enjoyed the break from the cold, rain, and bitterness but it was such a tease. Today we were back to cold temperatures :( so sad.

The past couple of days I've been thinking a lot about my dear grandmother since she passed away a year ago in March. She was such an amazing woman and there are so many things that I miss about her. For the past few weeks I have been purchasing flowers to have around the house just because they brighten my day. As I was driving home from the grocery store today with flowers in the car, I was thinking about how the flowers smelled like the basement of my grandmothers house. She ran a floral shop during the latter years of her life and I always remember all the flowers she had sitting in big bunches all over the place, I remember watching her meticulously arranging and rearranging, and then driving around town holding flower arrangements in each hand to deliver the beautiful masterpieces to her clients. There are so many things that I remember that bring back warm thoughts and feelings. Here are some pictures from her life...I love to watch her style change through the years.

Monday, February 21, 2011

I want...

[from here]

Not my finest hour.

5 am. is. early. and is not my finest hour. This morning was the ticket sales kick off for B.o.B at UNCW so the executive board all congregated at 5 am this morning at the student center to find people camped out waiting to buy tickets. In the words of Michael, "camping, like legit camping, with tents." Despite the early morning, it was so much fun to see people excited about our show and to see all the ACErs put their whole heart and energy into making this event great!

In other news....I'm looking forward to seeing my best friend in less than 20 days. We are going to look at bridesmaids dresses and shoes for her wedding in October. She has picked out both that she really likes, and I love her style. The dress to the left is the dress that she has picked out for us, it's super cute and her color is purple. I just am keeping my fingers crossed that it's flattering on all of us. All five of us will be together for a weekend of dress shopping and it's her birthday!!!

Peace, Love, and Awesomeness.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Oh Crap, I'm about to die in a velvet jumpsuit!

It's homecoming and we've all survived more than half way through. I have to say there have been a lot of laughs and good times this week.....and it's not even the end. The announcement of ACE's spring show with Grammy nominated B.o.B went flawlessly and was tons of fun dancing around in the blacklights. Late night breakfast was delicious and we have a great showing students...although there was no bacon and I was thoroughly outraged, don't worry we'll put it in the books that bacon is demanded for next year. Last night's comedian, Dan Levy, was a riot. The title of this post was from one of his jokes. Had me dying laughing!!!

We have two more days to go and we've all survived - game show tomorrow and parade/basketball game on saturday -!!! Two of my students are nominated for homecoming court, so I'm wishing them tons of luck and know that they'll both look stunning on Saturday!

Peace, Love, and Awesomeness.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Focus. Pocus.

Yesterday, as I was sitting in class, I had an epiphany. Okay, okay...get out from under your desk. Don't be scared. A colleague of mine mentioned how she always looked forward to chatting before class with me because my days are so varied and stories so diverse.

So, my mind starting wandering off during class about how much energy I put into thinking about environmental issues to planning events, from the big scary corporate world to grassroots fundraising, from getting myself back in shape to snuggling on my couch with the pooch, and everything in between. I think we all feel a little bit on overload these days with our dabble in different topics, theories, interests, activities, etc.

What if I actually focused ALL my attention on one cause. one activity. one program. one thing. wow. I know it sounds simple but it's actually something that, I think, a lot of people struggle with. I think this is one of the things that the Peace Corps offers to me. I'm able to put down the 1,001 things that I'm interested in that drive my brain from one end of the earth to the other in the 18 hours of time during my active day to focusing on one thing. and one thing only. I don't know what that thing is yet, but it's coming....and I'm excited.

Pictured is someone that I truly admire, and a person that knows what it means to put his mind towards a goal and reach for it empowering others to change their mindsets and follow. I totally wish I could be like old Nelson.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Drink. Drank. Drunk.

So as it turns out the U.S. isn't full of a bunch of drunks.....Europe on the other hand....

Love is in the Air

Today I'm so very happy to have so many people I love and cherish in my life and it's a day that I really think about how much more I wish I could be for each and every person that has taught me so many things in life.

Here are some other things that I'm loving right now:

Live the language.

Soon. I. Will. Follow. My. Heart.

Full of Love.

Things to be happy about.

Peace Love and Awesomeness!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Tealin Like A Star

This week kicks off my university's Homecoming celebrations, and for those of you that don't know, the organization that I work for spearheads all homecoming efforts. Soooo...needless to say, the past few weeks have been filled with a lot of planning and the next week will be filled with a lot of school spirit, fun events, and teaching moments. Tonight kicks off homecoming with a Late Night Breakfast at the campus dining hall, which means....ALL THE I WANT.......nom nom.

The rest of the week is filled with fashion shows, blacklight parties (which includes the announcement of our spring concert...more on that in a second), comedian Dan Levy (from Chelsea Lately), American Idol spin-off event called Dub Idol, game shows, basketball games, parades, and lots and lots and lots of the color teal. Did I mention that I get to marshal the parade driving the Chancellor's car with the Chancellor in it? How did I ever get to be so important around here?

Like I said, this week also is the kick off of our Big Spring Show. Since I advise our amazing, topnotch marketing chair we've been busting our butts to get this show promoted and sell out our Coliseum. Fingers crossed that the crowd loves it and when tickets go on sale on Mon., Feb. 21 people are buying them like hotcakes.

Despite synthesizing this exciting week ahead, Peace Corps has been on my mind all day. It's really becoming a part of my day-to-day language and I get more and more excited each time I talk about it. I've been having existential moments day-dreaming of helping children in Nairobi, developing water systems in Indonesia, or connecting communities in Macedonia.

Peace, Love, and Awesomeness.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

This is one of the coolest things I've seen!

Guerilla Artist JR. He also won a TED award in 2010. Very Cool.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Interrogation Day maybe it wasn't that bad. Today, I had an interview with the Peace Corps recruiter at NCSU. All in all, it went great. The recruiter asked me the typical questions, "what made you want to apply to the Peace Corps," "what situations have you been in to prepare you for this," etc. etc...

The interview though makes it feel legit. Like this is something that I have actually committed myself to. And I'm happy about that. Of course, I'm getting a little backlash from friends and family with their concerns and questions but I think everyone will come around. It's been therapeutic more for myself than anyone else to talk about how things will work when I finally am gone.

The recruiter mentioned that he'd really like to get me into a program the end of the summer, however it's ideal for me to be at my best friends wedding in October and leave right after that. I know you can't be picky about this process so I'm keeping an open mind about what happens, knowing that it'll all work out in the end.

Peace, Love, and Awesomeness.